

Ongoing consultation

AAAC has been formed as a result of ongoing consultation with African Australian communities in Australia. This plan is developed by and for African communities to address issues and concerns to improve the wellbeing of African Australians, both young and old.

The Action Plan emphasises the development and maintenance of partnerships and collaboration to ensure that community members can contribute their expertise, experience and knowledge; expand their sense of ownership in relation to our activities; provide leadership and be part of initiatives designed to solve problems. Under this approach, the assistance of non- profit organisations, state and federal government, business, industry, the civil sector, academia and the philanthropic sector will assist in achieving sustainable outcomes.

This will be achieved by:

Supporting individuals and communities so that all members can better access available opportunities and enjoy the wonderful quality of life that Australia makes possible.
Assisting government, NGOs and other stakeholders to develop the most effective best multicultural policies for African-Australian communities.
Who we are

African Australian Advocacy Centre (AAAC)

African Australian Advocacy Centre Four (4) spheres of focus.




Policy Outcomes


Our advocacy work is to represent the African Australian communities in the area of consultation, research, and policy outcomes in collaboration with the different stakeholders. We strive to raise awareness of important social issues, influence policies and laws, and promote social justice.

Our aim is to bring about positive change in the broader African Australian community to ensure that their voices are heard, and their needs are met. We believe that advocacy is the best tool for promoting equity and social justice by challenging systemic barriers and injustice to create a more just, inclusive and equitable world.

Policy Outcomes

Our advocacy efforts aim to influence policy outcomes by promoting policy changes that address social issues, protect human rights, and advance social justice.
Policy outcomes play a crucial role in advocacy because they have the potential to bring about tangible changes in the lives of people affected by social issues such as :

  • Racism
  • Discrimination based on the race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or religion
  • Mental health stigma
  • Poverty
  • Domestic violence
  • Homelessness
  • Access to education
  • Immigration Policy,
  • Policy brutality
  • Unemployment
  • Lack of affordable housing
  • Cyberbullying
  • Aging population and healthcare
  • Modern Slavery


A key role of AAAC is community consultation to ensure that the voices and perspectives of the individuals and communities being advocated for are included in the advocacy efforts. Our consultations involve engaging with individuals, community groups and stakeholders, including those who are affected by social issues, to gather their input and feedback on proposed advocacy actions or policies. This process builds trust and relationships between AAAC and the people we are working to support. This can help to ensure that our advocacy efforts are more effective in achieving positive policy outcomes, and the resulting policy changes are more likely to be accepted and supported by those who are impacted by them.

Overall, the aim of our community consultation is to ensure that the advocacy efforts are grounded in the needs and priorities of the people being advocated for, and that these efforts are more effective in achieving positive social change.


In line with our vision and mission, at AAAC, we believe that research can strengthen the credibility of advocacy efforts, increase the chances of success in achieving policy change, and provide a framework for the ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of advocacy initiatives. Engagement in the research will result the following:

  • Identifying and documenting social issues that require attention,
  • Providing data-based evidence to document the extent and impact of these social issues.
  • Informing policy proposals that aim to address social issues
  • Strengthening advocacy messages that are based on evidence and resonate with policymakers, the media, and the public.
  • Evaluating the impact of advocacy efforts and demonstrate the impact of policy changes.


To see African Australian being recognised as an integral part of Australian Society.




Community involvement through knowledge and integration.


To serve and advocate on behalf of African Australian communities on issues faced by their communities.